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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


At 15 months, I decided to stop breastfeeding Phoebe entirely. No more night comfort feeding for her. We realized that she needed to learn how to go to sleep on her own.

It wasn't easy for Phoebe. She kept searching for it. Rolling all over me and ask me to 'open'. Sometimes it took her 1.5 hours to get herself to sleep. We sang, rocked, pat.. Did everything we can. Hope it will get better soon.

Prayerfully, I will be able to feed for a longer time if God blessed me with another child.

1 comment:

  1. wow, 15 months is a long time... good for you :)

    i'm hoping to be able to feed Sam until at least 12 months. lately he doesnt seem interested anymore (i'm only feeding him at night coz my milk supply has dropped drastically, barely 1 oz if i pump). sigh.
