Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Phoebe Turned One

It's been long awaited for Phoebe to turn ONE. It had finally arrived and we celebrated with some friends last Saturday. Will post up some photos of the event later. I was so busy entertaining and didn't capture many photos. Waiting for some friends to give me their shots. Some updates of her.. Phoebe can now walk with assistance. She is able, but still do not want to hold her own milk bottle. She's just relaxing herself in her bouncy net or bed when she drinks her milk. Turns, rolls, crawls like a worm. In terms of Language, she can speak a few words pretty consistently .
  • Na-na - banana. Whenever she sees them at the table at home, at the supermarket, along the roadside, she will say 'Na-Na'.
  • Nen-nen - milk
  • Mum mum - when she wants to eat
  • Ma-ma - not very consistent. I think she does not know that refers to me
  • Pa-pa - very infrequent
  • Ta-ta - sometimes she will blurt out when one wants to leave
  • Tatak/katak - for 'kakak' our maid
Understands the terms we talked to her. Here are some of them. Can't remember what she knows.
  • The names of at least 10 of her soft toys.
  • Books
  • Bottle
  • Nen-nen time
  • Ebony - our dog
  • Walk
  • Sayang
  • Shoe
  • Fan
  • Lights
  • Frog
  • Fish
  • Clock
She's very chatty at home now but we still can't make out what she's trying to say. I know I'll have a hard time answering all her questions when she knows how to talk. Here are some photos taken by my co-workers at our home few weeks back. Thank you Susan & Sharon. They are just beautiful!!


  1. love the photos! Phoebe is so cute!
    wah, she's like a big boss - someone must hold her milk bottle for her! hehehe. cute...

    blessed belated 1st birthday, Phoebe! may God pour His glorious abundant blessings on you. And may you grow up to be a woman who loves God with all her heart :)

    God bless.

  2. Yes, she's like a boss when it comes to holding the bottle. If she holds the bottle, she will take it out from her mouth. We are trying to get her to hold the bottle now.. Of course she took the easy way out. Using her hands to hold her toys sometimes.
