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I haven't been baking that much since a few years back. Phoebe is slightly bigger this year, more predictable, and I have a domestic help now, hence all these baking starts...
This year, I had Peanut cookies, Pineapple Cookies, Chiku, Ribbon biscuits, & fruit cakes.
I am blessed with a capable maid. I could outsource many things for her to do while I was away. She could slice and fry chiku, cut, fold & fry ribbon biscuits, mould & bake peanut cookies.
(Pineapple cookies in the oven)
(Closed up Peanut Cookies)
(Wrapped up Fruit Cake package)
(Everything!!) By the time I was done distributing, only 5 cans was left at home. Yay!!
My mom registered Phoebe for Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Under 2 program. This week was the 1st class for her.
Since I was on leave this whole week, I drove my mom and Phoebe to Madras Lane Methodist Church for the class. We were told to pack a mattress/comforter (anything for her to sleep on), comfort toys, snack, drink, diapers, just anything that we think she will need for that 2 hours.
Upon reaching the 3rd floor of the church building, we were greeted by the Children's Leader. They are very organized with name tags prepared, sign-in/out form for parents to fill out.
I later discovered that the "Under 2" Toddler program, there are 3 helpers to 3 toddlers. She's got 1-1 attention. I pray that Phoebe will learn about God and his Word through this program.
(The big tag is for the diaper bag, the small tag is to pin at the back of the child)
Blogspot auto rotate this picture :(
(Getting ready to go to her class) While waiting for them to finish, I found myself at McDonald's Gurney Drive enjoying seaview, coffee, a copy of The Star and an interior magazine. It wasn't bad at all.
I will have a chance to do this again next week.
(McDonald's Gurney Drive)
(That's how tired my girl was when she missed her morning nap and had an active morning in BSF. She slept for 3 hours)
We did so many things last weekend. I started my CNY baking frenzy. Will post that in a separate post.
The whole of Saturday, I baked. Baked a cheesecake for my church birthday celebration and CNY cookies. Saturday evening, we took Phoebe to the esplanade by Queensbay for her to walk around and see people flying kites. She enjoyed it so much that when it reached dinner time, she refused to go into the car. She whined the whole way until we reach the restaurant. It was a good thing that the dinner venue we chose wasn't far away.
(Watching the kites in the air with Daddy)
On Sunday, it was usual day in church. And because I was so busy baking, I didn't actually prepare dinner for Phoebe on Sunday. So, I had to choose a restaurant that I know Phoebe has things that she could eat. There we were are Tsuruya at e-Gate. She loved the Chawamushi at Tsuruya. She ended up nearly finishing the whole bowl of Chawamushi. This is the 1st time I didn't prepare any food when we dine out. Usually, I will have food, and back up food, just in case she doesn't like the 1st choice. That's how picky my little person is.
(She also want to look at the menu as we chose our food)
(Phoebe's dinner)
Monday morning was a day out at the park. 1st time at the park was quite intimidating. She wasn't too sure she wants to play with which item. She sat on one for 1 minute, she asked to go to another one. We didn't spend a lot of time as it got hot and it was near her morning nap time.
Overall, it was quite a packed long weekend we had.
