Friday, October 23, 2009
Where did the voice come from?
She, as expected, wanted to hold the phone set. The first called I made, after talking like 3 sentences, it was disconnected. I made another call and asked why was it disconnected, Phoebe pressed the disconnect button. LOL.
Out of a sudden, she started crying and won't stop. H told me she was looking around where did this familiar voice come from but she didn't see the person. She was looking for me. When she can't find, she cried.
Darling Phoebe, mummy misses you too. Mummy can't wait to get back tonight to see you and tug you to bed.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We received a parcel today
The parcel contains multiple big boxes and smaller boxes. Not all the things were for us. We initially couldn't figure out who (as in which relative) has what. Some were labeled, some were not. After unpacking all, we found an A4 paper itemized each and every item and the recipient. Eemah, you were doing an amazing job in shopping and itemizing them. So, I went through the list, get things sorted out. I flipped over, and found this..
For Bebe: (books, clothings, & others) ----- the list goes on for the whole A4 size paper. 32 items!!!!
I thought I needed to take a photo of those things that Phoebe received from her Ah Mah (grandmother). She's spoilt!!

What we can say is "Thank you Ah Mah & Ah Mo Kong". Hugs and kisses from Phoebe.
At last I can be a blessing to others......
With my milk!
I have low supply and every drop is liquid gold. When Phoebe doesn't finish my milk and it has to go to the dog, my heart breaks.
I just got back from Bali last week. Originally I plan to freeze my milk and bring back I actually made preparations to bring back, e.g. Bottles, ice pack, cooler bag etc. However, that changed when I arrived.
I saw street babies. They are not kids yet. They are infant still being held by their moms. Filthy, too hungry and lethargic to be active, sleeping on sand by the roadside. My heart sank when looking at them. I can't help but to compare how blessed our children are. At least Phoebe. Phoebe is a picky eater, does not want to drink frozen breastmilk or milk that had been heated up. She's spoilt.
So, every night before we go out for dinner, I'll heat the milk and put them in mineral water bottle for the babies. No BPA free bottles, no sterialization, just simple bottle. To them, the bottle is already too clean. We too accumulate the toiletries, and tea bags from our room for them too. Too bad I'm not a mom who can produce 1.5 litres a day. Or else I would feed even more babies. Anyway, at least I fed a few.
This is something you might want to consider if you are traveling to 3rd world country while you are still nursing or pumping. Be a blessing.
(Heat up milk and put it into a mineral water bottle)
And the last bit of milk --- Add it into my coffee at breakfast :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mutual Attraction
Ebony might have some ulterior motive behind being happy seeing Phoebe. She had been drinking Phoebe's unfinished milk. Last Saturday, Phoebe drank 4oz of milk all day and Ebony drank 8oz of milk. Ebony will also leap for joy when she sees us holding an Avent bottle. That means she has milk to drink. I felt the pain because of my hard work expressing milk and Ebony is drinking it. :(
Ebony's breed is a Pincher, she should be very thin. However, you can see from this photo that she is 'that' fat now. She should go on a diet.

She's Accumulating Fast
Learning to Walk and Climb
We do not plan to put a barrier on the staircase. We were told that they will be even more curious to climb if they are not allowed to explore.
We will just have to be cautious not to leave her unattended.
Here's a video on her climbing the stairs to reach out to my Blackberry. Her favorite toy now.
My New Acquisition
I actually do not know how to sew but I love sewing. I had learn how to sew straight lines from my mom years back. I had sewn multiple bags, some skirts with my little 'straight line' skill.
My skill had not advanced any tiny bit. I still know how to sew straight line. Since I've got the machine, I had completed 3 baby slings. Sold 2 away and one for my own use.
My ultimate aim is to be able to sew a dress for Phoebe. Let's see when I will realize that dream.